Thursday, February 1, 2007

Editor’s Note:

Who would have thought something that was born on a dark and stormy night could turn out to be as warm as a pair of flannel pajamas. But that’s exactly what’s happen. In fact, CSR has begun to crawl. It’s so heartwarming to watch it pull itself up by the desk leg where my laptop sits and longingly gaze at the chair in front of it as if imaging how comfortable it would be to sit there. The bald-headed bundle of joy has already learned not to eat poetry contests and pushes away any unsolicited manuscripts because of the tremendous response to the “subs by invitation only”, a concept its single parent came up with after just one shock treatment. And because it’s so cute and cuddly both national and international artist bend down on one knee to tickle its cheek. The February issue will showcase a few of them. And guess what, you don’t have to like infants to like CSR. On the other hand, what kind of person doesn’t like a baby! So either sit back and read this second issue or I’ll have you hand wash a whole week’s worth of soiled diapers. And I won’t even offer you hand lotion when you’re done. Now, get to reading…

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